Thursday 17 July 2014

Why do some people believe in a higher power?

Most people need
faith in a higher power. It is comforting to think that there is an eternal life of bliss.
Believing in life after death gives a calm assurance that there is more to life than what we
experience on earth. It is reassuring to think that life will continue in a much more peaceful
environment than the one we live in on earth. To think of a place called Heaven where there will
be no racism or violence is a comforting belief. Life forever with no pain is a comforting
belief. For many, belief in God and a place he has prepared for his saints is such a peaceful

For those who believe in the Christian Holy Bible, there is a place
where God is preparing for his saints--those who are believers in Jesus Christ. In John 14, it
states that Jesus has gone away to prepare a place and he will return for his saints one day.
That promise is so reassuring. "Let not your heart be

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In 1984, is Julia a spy? Please provide specific examples from the book. My teacher says that he knows of 17 pieces of evidence which proves that Julia...

There is some evidence to suggest thatwas a spy throughout 's classic novel . Julia portrays herself as a loyal admirer of Big ...