Friday 25 July 2014

Provide one theme from Animal Farm and three supporting quotes.

One major
theme of s 1945 novel, , is that an uneducated populace is easily
manipulated.believed the widespread ability to read, write, think, and speak was imperative to a
healthy society. For Orwell, education is power and the best way to fight

is perhaps the best example of this theme in action.
Despite his best efforts to learn to read and write, he is unable to learn more than the first
four letters of the alphabet. Hardworking but ignorant, Boxer is incapable of thinking for
himself. When trying to recall the original precepts of Animalism, Boxer slowly determines,
"If Comradesays it, it must be right." He then creates a slogan, Napoleon is always
right, to absolve himself of the responsibility to think. Had Boxer been able to read, write,
and think for himself, he would likely have understood the subtle machinations of the pigs
before he was sold to a glue factory.

Another primary example of the
importance of...

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