Wednesday 23 July 2014

What is the theme of "Hills Like White Elephants" and a point that supports that theme?

The shadow of a cloud
moved across the field of grain and she saw the river through the trees.
€˜And we
could have all this, she said. €˜And we could have everything and every day we make it more
€˜What did you say?
€˜I said we could have everything.
€˜We can have everything.
€˜No, we cant.
€˜We can have the whole
€˜No, we cant.
€˜We can go everywhere.
€˜No, we cant. It
isnt ours any more.
€˜Its ours.
€˜No, it isnt. And once they take it away,
you never get it back.
€˜But they havent taken it away.
€˜Well wait and
€˜Come on back in the shade, he said. €˜You mustnt feel that way.
dont feel any way, the girl said. €˜I just know things.

Several important themes are choices and consequences; doubt and ambiguity; and men's
perspective versus women's perspective. To my mind, however, the most important theme is honesty
versus dishonesty.

The foremost instance of this theme is that the American
man persists in saying that he only wants Jig to undergo the operation if she wants to yet, at
the same time, he persists in claiming that it is a simple and perfectly natural procedure and
that he is sure she wouldn't even mind, since it really is nothing. One of these sets of
expressions of sentiment and opinion is dishonest. Either he is putting her wishes first or he
is putting his wishes for what her feelings and experience will be first. Both can't be true at
one and the same time.

'I dont want you to do anything
that you dont want to do -
€˜Nor that isnt good for me, she said. ...
€˜Youve got to realize, he said, €˜that I dont want you to do it if you dont want to. Im
perfectly willing to go through with it if it means anything to you.

Another example is that he presumes to fathom what a woman's
feelings and experience will be in a realm of life that is exclusively female. This too is
dishonest. Honesty would require an admission of limited perspective and empathy. Honesty would
require the courage to refrain from trying to shape Jig's sentiments and feelings. Honesty would
require an unveiled, unambiguous expression of his wishes, which--by all evidence in the
text--is that he wishes to not be the father of a living child.

'Im perfectly willing to go through with it if it means anything to you.
€˜Doesnt it mean anything to you? We could get along.
€˜Of course it does. But I dont
want anybody but you. I dont want anyone else. ....'

Finally, the conversation excerpted above further expresses the man's dishonesty. Jig
is expressing her perspective of the finality of the circumstance. On one hand, if she has the
abortion, her world will be changed forever since an abortion is not an insignificant thing,
either physically or spiritually. On the other hand, if she does not have an abortion, her world
will be changed forever but in a very different direction: she will lose the frivolous and fun
relationship she has with the man--as they travel and collect luggage labels and taste new
drinks--and she will have his child to mother. Dishonesty is represented because the man won't
admit to the change in dynamics the pregnancy brings into their relationship as a result of the
change in dynamics it brings to Jig's life.

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