Thursday 10 July 2014

What are some quotes from Part 1 that show what Atticus Finch carries in his briefcase?

bringsa book home
in his briefcase in part 1 of .  When he arrives home from work,takes his
briefcase and Scout asks her father if he has brought a book for her:

Jem, forgetting his dignity, ran with me to meet him.  Jem seized
his briefcase and bag, I jumped into his arms, felt his vague dry kiss and said, "'d you
bring me a book?'" ()

Scout enjoys reading with her
father.  Together, they read a variety of texts.  They read informational books, law, the Bible,
and newspapers.  When Miss Caroline tells Scout that she can no longer read with her father, she
realizes how special their time together is.

On two separate occasions later
in the novel, it is revealed that Atticus carries papers in his briefcase.  These papers have to
do with the legal matters he is working on, such as the trial of Tom Robinson.  The following is
a quote from the one of the courtroom scenes in Tom's trial:

[Atticus] had evidently pulled some papers from his briefcase that rested beside his
chair, because they were on his table ().

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