Tuesday 22 July 2014

What were 10 major events/battles that helped the Allies win WWI?

It is a
little hard to narrow these down to ten events/battles, as one cannot point to any one event and
state that is why Germany lost the war.

1. Britain enters the war on the side
of the Entente due to Germany's invasion of Belgium. The British blockade of the North Sea did
more to hurt German commerce than the German U-boat menace. The winter of 1917€“1918 was
referred to as the Turnip Winter in Germany as people were forced to eat food reserved for their
livestock. It was the harsh conditions in Germany that caused the revolution that forced the
Kaiser's abdication.

2. The Germans were stopped at the Battle of the Marne.
The Schlieffen Plan depended upon France's quick capitulation early in the war so that multiple
German divisions could be shifted to the Russian front. Germany had to fight a war of attrition
on two fronts, and this was key in forcing the armistice in 1918.

3. Britain
cut the German cable across the Atlantic in 1914. By severing the German cable, Britain

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