Sunday 6 July 2014

I am doing a Marxist critique of George Orwell's 1984; any ideas on how I should organize the paper and what I should focus on?

aspects of Marxism seem relevant to . Marx saw all of history as a struggle
between the classes, culminating in the workers of the world uniting and creating a stateless,
classless society in which the people owned the means of production and
shared the profits to create a society of plenty for everyone.

Oceania is very far from the ideal socialist state as envisioned in Marx. It is essentially a
fascist state, if we define fascism as a form of government with a supreme leader and his small
group of followers having close to total power, a lack of democratic institutions, no freedom of
speech, and a powerful secret police force dedicated to crushing dissent, all aimed at keeping
the country in constant state of...

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In 1984, is Julia a spy? Please provide specific examples from the book. My teacher says that he knows of 17 pieces of evidence which proves that Julia...

There is some evidence to suggest thatwas a spy throughout 's classic novel . Julia portrays herself as a loyal admirer of Big ...