Tuesday 8 July 2014

Summarize the main musical elements of the Renaissance Period, the most important genres and techniques.

Generally speaking, the Renaissance was a
time when people prioritized art and science. Their focus began to shift toward worldly
concerns, and this was reflected in musicpreviously, music had centered around religion and the
church, but during this time, composers wrote secular as well as sacred music. Until about the
16th century, choirs and vocal music were popular, with as many as eight different parts for an
ensemble. Instruments (if there were any) usually played the same notes as the voices. Near the
end of the 16th century, instruments took on a different role as composers began to favor
harmonies, polyphonic texture, and complex rhythms. Examples of instruments from this period
include trumpets, lutes, and viols.

A few examples of dominant genres from
this period are the madigral (polyphonic and usually with at least 3 voices), the motet
(polyphonic), and the chanson (polyphonic and secular).

I highly recommend
the link below for a more technical explanation of the main characteristics of Renaissance


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