Tuesday 29 July 2014

How did Harry S. Truman feel about using the Atomic Bomb? I know the Manhattan Project was such a secret that Truman wasn't even told about it until...

The link provided will give you direct access to
these quotes, plus many more that could be beneficial to your work. For your reference, all my
writings are in bold, while the direct quotes are in regular type. When Truman took over he had
to play catch up, and was very behind in terms of the intimate strategy of the war.

3/3/48 Letter to Margaret Truman:
"As you know I was Vice-President from Jan. 20 to April 12, 1945. I was at
Cabinet meetings and saw Roosevelt once or twice in those months. But he never did talk to me
confidentially about the war, or about foreign affairs or what he had in mind for the peace
after the war... Then I had to start in reading memorandums, briefs, and volumes of
correspondence on the World situation. Too bad I hadn't been on the Foreign Affairs Committee or
that F.D.R. hadn't informed me on the situation."

believe Truman was excited about the bomb, because it gave him a clear path to victory. His
writings bear that he had no love, nor hate, for the...


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