Monday 14 July 2014

Examine Animal Farm as political satire.

's work
would have to be considered as an example of political .  In examining what constitutes
political satire, humor is utilized to critique a particular weakness or condition.  Orwell uses
this in the form of animals on a farm embodying the Russian Revolution.  Animal Farmcan be seen
as political satire because Orwell is deliberate in his critique of the Stalinist grab for
political power in the Russian Revolution, as well as how specific sections of Russian society
enabled this to happen.  

As modern political satire uses humor in a more
demonstrative manner, the humor that Orwell uses is subtle and more haunting. For example,
whenorchestrates the public confession and executions in , the humor is not as evident as much
as is the biting honesty about the historical conditions of the Stalinist purges. The use of
animals and the children's tale format to illuminate some of the most tragic in political
miscarriages helps to enhance the satirical element of the work.  Orwell, himself, understood
the work to represent the essence of political satire:

course I intended it primarily as a satire on the Russian revolution..[and] that
 of revolution (violent conspiratorial revolution, led by unconsciously power
hungry people) can only lead to a change of masters [-] revolutions only effect a radical
improvement when the masses are alert.

It is in this idea
where humor is evident.  The establishent of "Some animals are more equal than
others," the replacement of humans with pigs, and the political embodiment of the more
things change, the more they stay the same are all aspects of this humor.  The political satire
becomes evident in this light.

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