Monday 24 March 2014

What similarities or differences do you see between Etruscan and Egyptian burials and funerary practices?

Etruscans were a civilization that reigned in Italy before the Roman Empire. Prior to the
foundation of Rome in 509 BCE, the Etruscans ruled as a monarchy.

The ancient
Egyptians are one of the older agricultural civilizations, starting as a river valley
civilization in 3,100 BCE until it was incorporated into the Roman Empire.

Both the Etruscans and Egyptians used burial urns and sarcophagi. Burial urns are used
to store cremated remains, and sarcophagi are stone coffins that house the deceased. Egyptian
burial urns could be used for either cremated remains or particular organs; these were known as
canopic jars and often featured the heads of some of their gods, like Horus or Ra. Etruscan
burial urns could also function as holders for cremated remains or organs, but unlike the
Egyptian urns, it displayed their human's image as opposed to one of a deity.

The Etruscan sarcophagus, however, is more animated than their Egyptian counterparts.
The Etruscan sarcophagus, true to Etruscan art,...


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