Wednesday 12 March 2014

What are the challenges confronted by August Pullman?

In R.J
Palacios novel ,(Auggie) Pullmans chief challenges are gaining acceptance
from his peers and staying brave in the face of adversity. While these are both challenges faced
by many middle school students, Auggies situation differs because he suffers from a facial birth
defect, which is most likely Treacher Collins syndrome. To protect him, his parents have
homeschooled him for his entire elementary school career. However, in fifth grade, he enrolls at
Beecher Prep, a private middle school in New York City. This decision, which Auggie is not
initially enthusiastic about, forces him to face and, eventually, overcome his

Auggie is very aware of his facial differences. Prior to
beginning Beecher Prep, when out in public, he always wore an astronaut helmet that completely
covered his face. He did this to protect himself from strangers stares. Once he starts school
without the helmet, he is treated cruelly by most of the student population. He is insulted and
socially isolated. Students actually refuse to touch him, and he feels incredibly alone. His key
nemesis throughout the year is , a fifth grader who, along with fellow classmatesand , give
Auggie a tour of the school before the year begins. Julian, a child who appears kind in front of
adults, is the key instigator in the bullying Auggie suffers throughout the year.

Luckily for Auggie, by the novels end, he is able to overcome his challenges, though
not without a lot of pain and self-doubt. His relationship with Jack flounders when he overhears
Jack making fun of him in order to fit in with their classmates. However, the two eventually
reconcile and remain friends.

The novelsoccurs when Auggie goes on an
overnight nature retreat with his entire fifth grade class. While there, Auggie and Jack are
attacked by some seventh graders. Classmates Amos, Henry, and Milesformer friends of Julian and
part of the group that bullied Auggieprotect him.

Although few kids suffer
from a facial deformity, most wish to be judged by their character, not by their appearance.
Furthermore, many have faced bullying situations. Auggies story is powerful not only because of
its message of kindness and compassion, but also because Auggies bravery and determination in
the face of adversity are inspirational to everyone.

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