Sunday 9 March 2014

In A Raisin in the Sun, what makes Walter suddenly change his mind about taking Mr. Lindner's money?

the play,Younger is a somewhat unsympathetic character. He is materialistic, envious of what he
perceives as his sister 's greater ease in life, and rather uncaring whenreveals that she is
pregnant. Later, he squanders sixty-five hundred dollars of his father's insurance money, a sum
with which his mother entrusted himto express her faith in him as a responsible manto buy a
liquor store with his friend Willy Harris. When Willy runs off with the money, Walter's sense of
failure is re-established. However, his mother, , has put aside some of the insurance money and
made a down payment on a house in Clybourne Park, a neighborhood where, as Ruth says, there
"ain't no colored people."

To reinforce this standard, Mr.
Lindner, a member of what Clybourne Park's residents call the "Improvement
Association," makes his first visit to the Younger household. He offers a sum in exchange
for keeping the Younger family out of the neighborhood and makes it...

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