Thursday 13 March 2014

How do Napoleon and the pigs betray the principles of Animalism?

principles of Animalism are inscribed on the wall of the barn in , in the form of the seven
commandments. The first commandment is, "Whatever goes upon two legs is an
enemy."betrays this commandment by trading with Frederick and Pilkington. Later in the
novel, he also trains himself and the other pigs to walk on two legs, effectively turning
himself into an enemy of Animalism.

The second commandment is, "Whatever
goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend." Napoleon proves throughout the story that
he is no friend to animals with four legs or with wings: He executes piglets and hens. He makes
the four-legged animals work harder than they ever did before, and he gives them less in return
than they had before. He also constantly lies to them, blaming , for example, for everything
that goes wrong on the farm. He also, of course, hastaken away to the knackers and has his bones
boiled down for glue.

The third commandment reads, "No animal shall

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