Saturday 22 March 2014

In chapter 7 of 1984, who are Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford and what is their fate?

Aaronson, and Rutherford were among the last of the original leaders of the Revolution in which
Big Brother's rule was established.  After Big Brother had achieved his position of ultimate
power, those prominent in the Revolution were systematically wiped out.  Like the others before
them, Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford were arrested, then they vanished for a year or more. 
After this interval, they reappeared to incriminate themselves, confessing to a variety of
crimes including sharing intelligence with the enemy, embezzlement, murder, and acts of
sabotage.  After confessing, they had been purportedly pardoned and reinstated in the Party,
only to be rearrested again a little later.  They were given a second trial, at which "they
confessed to all their old crimes over again, with a whole string of new ones."  After this
trial, they were summarily executed.

The significance of the story about
Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford is that their confessions, like those of so many others
eliminated in the purges, were false, and , whose job it was to rewrite history, had once held
concrete proof that their confessions were lies.  Winston had actually seen the three ruined men
at the Chestnut Caf© some time after their first confession, and so was able to recognize them
immediately when he came upon a dated newspaper photograph showing them "at some Party
function in New York", on the same day that, according to their testimony at both their
trials, they had been somewhere in Siberia betraying important military secrets.

Winston reflected for just a fleeting moment on the damage that could be done to the
Party if, in some way, the photograph "could have been published to the world and its
significance made known".  As it was, he held it for only a few seconds before covering it
up and depositing it surreptitiously into the memory hole, where it was quickly burned to ashes
(Part I, Chapter 7).

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In 1984, is Julia a spy? Please provide specific examples from the book. My teacher says that he knows of 17 pieces of evidence which proves that Julia...

There is some evidence to suggest thatwas a spy throughout 's classic novel . Julia portrays herself as a loyal admirer of Big ...