Friday 21 March 2014

Explain what James values in The Color of Water by James McBride.

autobiography, , recounts his search for answers he did not get from his
mother when he was growing up. Late in her life, his mother, Ruth, shares just a little of her
past with James, and he begins a quest to discover his mother's heritage--and of course his own.
She eventually tells her own story, which is recounted in the odd-numbered chapters of the

Clearly the most significant thing that James values is the truth about
his mother's past. While James knows about his father's family, his rather eccentric mother says
nothing about her life before marrying James's father. This might not be a significant omission
for some people, but for James it is the driving force for much of his life.

James always had questions about his rather quirky mother, a woman who lived her life
boldly as if she were black though she was clearly white. While Ruth insisted on the best
educations for her children (usually in Jewish schools), she consistently gave them conflicting
messages about Jews. So many things about his mother were confusing to James, and he always felt
that if he could discover his mother's past he could better face his own future. 

James is called a "tragic mulatto" by someone at school, contributing to his
identity confusion. As he becomes a teenager, this confusion results in failing grades and a
rather criminal life. Though he eventually recovers and goes on to become a successful adult, he
is only satisfied after his questions have been answered. This need to know his heritage prompts
him to value what he discovers.

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