Thursday 6 March 2014

What are the cultural achievements of Athens and Sparta?

The cultural
achievements of the classical Greeks during the Golden Age are so numerous that they set many
of the basic standards for Western civilization. Greece was divided into several city-states, of
which Athens and Sparta are the most well-known.

Sparta is famous for its
military culture and the rigid control of the state over the citizens. Children were considered
property of the state, and because military service was compulsory, boys were taken from their
families at a young age to be raised in the barracks as soldiers-in-training. Spartan battle
tactics were so efficient and effective that modern military strategists still study the ancient
texts of Herodotus and Thucydides and other Greek historians.

As a rule, the
Spartans lived a minimalist lifestyle: they didnt own much more than they needed, they didnt eat
a lot, and their manner of...


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