Saturday 15 March 2014

What are some similarities between Grendel and Beowulf? I'm writing a research paper for my English class. My topic is to compare and contrast on...

, the hero
of the Anglo-Saxon epic poem of the same name, and Grendel, the villainous monster whom Beowulf
must slay, certainly have some similarities, despite their opposing roles. They both have a
sense of single-minded determination; neither of them display much personality; and both figures
are unable to avoid their wyrd, or fate.

Both Beowulf
and Grendel possess an otherworldly determination that enables them to be immortalized in this
epic poem. Beowulf's determination is evidenced by his decision to travel to King Hrothgar's
land of the Danes without any specific need to do so, other than his own desire to be a hero.
Grendel's determination is evidenced by his years of marauding and terrorizing the Danes.
Neither Beowulf nor Grendel are easily deterred.

Beowulf and Grendel are
both defined by their violent pursuit of whatever it is they want, which means there is little
description of their personalities in the poem. Beowulf is brave and strong in his fight for
what he...

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