Sunday 23 November 2014

What was the likely outcome for a slave that tried to escape?

in the United States is considered to be one of the darkest periods in human history as well as
one of the most brutal displays of human cruelty. The living conditions that slaves suffered
were some of the most inhumane at even the best of times, so it goes without saying that slaves
that boldly attempted escape were punished severely. Since slave records were poorly kept or not
kept at all, it is difficult to ascertain specifics in regard to what was standard procedure for
an escaped slave. Most of what we know is purely anecdotal, though accounts are numerous.

In many scenarios, slaves who attempted to escape were sold further down
south to discourage any further attempts. A slave in Georgia, for example, would be less likely
to attempt escape than one in Virginia, purely based on logistics. Regardless of whether the
slave was to be sold or kept, they would be made an example of through brutal punishment.
Sometimes, if the slave's absence would not be a terrible loss, they would be killed outright in
brutal fashion. Everything done to an attempted escapee would be done to discourage any further
dissent on the part of other slaves who would dare to attempt escape.

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