Thursday 13 November 2014

A pieces of wire 10cm long is cut in to two pieces, one pc. is bent into a square and the other is bent into an equalateral triangle. How shoul the...

You need
to cut the wire into two pieces whose lengths are not given. You need to consider these lengths
as `3x`  and `4y` .

The problem provides the information that the
total length of wire is of 10 cm such that:

`3x+4y = 10`

Consider that you need to use the length of `3x`  to form the equilateral triangle and
the length of `4y`  to form the square.

You need to evaluate the area of
equilateral triangle using the formula:

`A_(Delta) = l^2sqrt3/4`

Since the length of side of triangle is of `3x/3 = x`  yields:

`A_(Delta) =x^2sqrt3/4`

You need to evaluate the area of the

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