Wednesday 12 November 2014

From Winesburg, Ohio, which characteristics do Alice Hindman and Elizabeth Willard in "Adventure" and "Mother" have that are comparable?

Interestingly,prefaces his stories with a chapter entitled "The Book of the
Grotesque" in which he implies that a grotesque character emerges when a man or woman takes
one of the many truths of life and pursues it obsessively. And, it seems that small towns, such
as , often produce such grotesque characters because of their limited opportunities and
stultifying environment. In his stories, "Mother" and "Adventure," Mrs.
Willard and Alice Hindman are two such grotesques.

  • Both women become trapped by their losses.

Elizabeth Willard has aspirations of being an actress and traveling; however,

her uneasy desire for change, for some big definite movement to her

is stymied by her marriage to Tom Willard, working
as a maid in her dilapidated motel, and she has stagnated in Winesburg. Now, in the evenings she
sits in her dilapidated hotel with her adult son and watches through a window that looks out on
Main Street.

 2. Alice Hindman also stagnates in...

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