Wednesday 26 November 2014

a reflection of how he represents the characteristics and ideals of the modernist movement

work of the American poetis characteristically modernist because it is formally innovative (the
poet Ezra Pound's modernist directive was "Make it New") and employs modernist
techniques like fragmentation and collage. These techniques help to underline themes of flux or
instability that are representative of modernism's attempt to re-envision and rebuild the world
in the wake of world war.

One of Crane's most important works is the long
poem "," which entails a journey through the landscape of American history and
culture. Many scholars believe that "The Bridge" is a kind of answer to T.S. Eliot's
"The Waste Land," which is likely the most famous modernist poem and is often taken to
be the most representative example of modernist style and content. While Eliot's poem is
arguably profoundly pessimistic in its emphasis on the rubble and ruin of the early 20th
century, Crane's poem is more hopeful--attempting to build a "bridge" from the
optimism and romanticism of Whitman's 19th century America to modernism and the realities of his
contemporary world. For instance, in the section of "The Bridge" called "The
River," Crane refers to modern invention and technology:

"--and the
telegraphic night coming on Thomas

a Edifordand whistling down the
a headlight rushing with the soundcan you
imaginewhile an Express makes
time like

In this except you can see the play on words of "Thomas a
Ediford" which combines "Thomas a Becket" with "Thomas Alva Edison" and
"Henry Ford." In addition the idea of "HOLYGHOST RADIO" juxtaposes spiritual
and technological communication.

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