Monday 10 November 2014

Discuss the role of information within an organization in full detail. For an organization to act, it needs to have information about itself, its...

The first
area in which an organization needs understanding in is itself. Accounting, essentially,
provides financial self-understanding. Accurate knowledge of assets, cash flow, and liabilities
allows a company to make safe financial decisions. Financial information can also be used to
assess the relative profitability of different activities and allow the organization to focus on
the areas that are most profitable rather than just chasing revenue or growth. Knowledge of its
own human resources allows them to be deployed and motivated more effectively.

An organization needs to understand its...

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In 1984, is Julia a spy? Please provide specific examples from the book. My teacher says that he knows of 17 pieces of evidence which proves that Julia...

There is some evidence to suggest thatwas a spy throughout 's classic novel . Julia portrays herself as a loyal admirer of Big ...