Sunday 3 June 2018

What methods do the pigs use to brainwash the animals in Animal Farm?

The pigs
use a variety of methods to brainwash and manipulate the animals to act passively and obey their
orders.illustrates how the pigs use language to make seemingly rational arguments and eloquently
manipulate the animals into agreeing with their decisions. I

nitially, the
pigs claim that they should be allowed to eat the milk and apple in their mash because they are
brainworkers. As the most intelligent and educated animals on the farm, the pigs argue that
their unique skills set them apart and are the reason they have certain privileges. They also
use clever arguments to avoid manual labor and give orders rather than physically help the
animals during the harvest.

Onceusurps power,spreads false propaganda in
Napoleon's favor and cleverly manipulates the wording of the Seven Commandments. Squealer
presents Napoleon as the farm's savior and claims that Napoleon's decision to forego Sunday
meetings emphasizes his selflessness.

Squealer also usesas a scapegoat to
distract from Napoleon's mistakes while phrasing every argument to benefit their new leader. In
addition to continually praising Napoleon, Squealer also strikes fear into the animals by
reminding them of Mr. Jones and portraying Napoleon as their fearless guardian. Napoleon also
travels with a pack of menacing dogs, which influences dissidents to remain silent.

The pigs also alter the wording of the Seven Commandments to align with Napoleon's
changing policies. The pigs add "with sheets" to the Fourth Commandment and the words
"to excess" to the Fifth Commandment to sanction sleeping in beds and drinking

They also add the words "without cause" to the Sixth
Commandment to sanction killing political dissidents before eliminating the commandments
altogether and forming a contradicting commandment, which says, "ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL, BUT
SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS." By the end of the story, the pigs have
successfully formed an aristocracy, where Napoleon reigns as a tyrant and all pigs enjoy special

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