Thursday 14 June 2018

In what ways does the title Kindred encapsulate the relationships within the novel?

In 's
historical time-travel novel "," the most apparent significance of the title refers
toas the other two answers have statedthe familial relationships that Dana is
called back in time to save
. Dana, a black woman from the 1970s, is summoned
back in time to save her ancestor, Rufus, a slave-owning white man, and ensure that he
impregnates Alice, a free black woman who he later buys as his slave and concubine. The
relationships Dana ends up forming with both Rufus and Alice are complex and difficult,
especially because time passes differently between the two periods. Over the course of just a
few weeks of 1970s time, Dana watches Rufus and Alice grow from small children into hardened
adults. Try as she might to morally influence Rufus as he ages, Dana is no match for the social
context of the antebellum South, and he turns into exactly the man she fears he will: a racist
and abusive slave-owner who takes advantage of and hurts the people he loves. And try

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