Monday 25 June 2018

Does racism still exist today in the United States?

still exists today. While one might think of it typically as relating to the relationship
between whites and African Americans, we find that other kinds of racism are present today and

There is a great deal of resentment today because of the attacks by
Osama bin Laden and his followersof Arabic descent. Suspicion drives the fear of many people
with regard to those who look Iranian or Afghani. It is racial discrimination when
all people of Arabic descent are judged as terrorists or treated badly
because of the actions of radical groups of the same culture.

Because of
employment today, some Americans experience feelings of racism when someone of a different race
holds a job that others believe should be given first to Americans.

Racism is
practiced against Asians, Indians, Latin Americans, etc. And just because things are
"better" than they were in the past, do not believe that African Americans are not
discriminated against today. Like any other race, some African Americans still experience racial

Jack Dovidio, a professor at the University of Connecticut
believes that as many as 80 percent of America's white population
"have racist

We've reached a point that racism is
like a virus that has mutated into a new form that we don't recognize... Contemporary racism is
not conscious, and it is not accompanied by dislike, so it gets expressed in indirect, subtle

Studies seem to support this sense that racism is
thriving in the American culture:

In the view of a network
of scores of US civil rights and human rights organizations, "Discrimination permeates all
aspects of life in the United States, and extends to all communities of color."

It would seem that racism is alive and well in the United



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