Tuesday 26 June 2018

What literary devices are used in chapters 1 and 2 of Into the Wild by John Krakauer?

In chapter
1, Krakauer starts the story in media res, or in the middle of the action.
This literary device puts us at a climactic point in the story, just as Chris is heading out on
his adventure to the Alaskan wilds. This captures our attention and draws us into the

Krakauer also usesto place us at the scene of Chris hitchhiking in
Alaska with a rifle sticking out of his backpack. Krakauer recounts Chris's brief dialogue with
Jim Gallien, the man who picked him up. Both description and dialogue set us firmly in the
scene. Krakauer uses a mix of concrete description, such as an exact detail about eighty-five
cents in change, and dialogue to raise our curiosity about Chris and make us feel as if we are
there with him:

Alex insisted on giving Gallien his watch,
his comb, and what he said was all his money: eighty-five cents in loose change. I dont want
your money, Gallien protested, and I already have a watch.

At the beginning of chapter 2, Krakauer uses...

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