Thursday 4 January 2018

How does totalitarianism relate to loss of privacy, loss of individualism, and loss of freedom in 1984 by George Orwell?

In the wake
of the NSA scandal, "Big Brother is watching you" has become a prevalent phrase in
today's society, and 's novel has had a resurgence in sales.

  • Loss
    of privacy

While there is technological today that invades
people's privacy, in Orwell's loss of privacy is a constant in Oceania
because the forces of the totalitarian government can only control the minds of people if they
fear detection of anything that is not allowed. Therefore, the telescreen and Big Brother is in
every home, as there are telescreens all about. In addition, people are made to attend hate
rallies, so they have little time to themselves. At these rallies, there is a huge screen of the
"public enemy" Emmanuel Goldstein, former party leader, but now leader of a conspiracy
group, who is in each of the videos shown. At these "Two Minute Hate"

A hideous ecstasy,...a desire to kill, to
torture, to smash faces in with a sledge hammer...seemed to flow through the whole group of
people like an...

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In 1984, is Julia a spy? Please provide specific examples from the book. My teacher says that he knows of 17 pieces of evidence which proves that Julia...

There is some evidence to suggest thatwas a spy throughout 's classic novel . Julia portrays herself as a loyal admirer of Big ...