Friday 8 September 2017

what is the expostion inciting incident rising action climax and resolution of the short story the open window?

"" follows the normal order of , complication with rising action, , falling
action, and .

In the exposition, major
characters are introduced. These characters are the , Framton Nuttel, who arrives at the country
home of the Sappletons'. They are acquaintances of Nuttel's sister. He is there with letters of
introduction from his sister, in the hope that his stay in the country will help his nervous
condition. Since Mrs. Sappleton is not ready to receive her guest, she sends her niece Vera, the
, to visit with him until she comes down to the parlor. Vera is a "very self-possessed
young lady of fifteen." 

In the complication,
or inciting incident of the plot, Nuttel reveals to Vera that he has
"a nervous condition" that his sister believes can be alleviated by Nuttel's resting
in the country. Hearing this, Vera asks Nuttel if he knows anyone in the area; when he replies
that he knows no one, the clever and creative Vera creates her tale of "the great

During the rising action, Vera weaves her tale
about Mrs. Sappleton's husband and her two young brothers who went out to hunt but never
returned. Unfortunately, when they crossed the moor on their way to their favorite
snipe-shooting ground, they were all "engulfed in a treacherous piece of bog." Vera
tells Framton Nuttel that no bodies were recovered: "Poor aunt always thinks that they will
come back someday. That is why the window is kept open...I almost get a creepy feeling that they
will walk in through that window." Then, Mrs. Sappleton finally comes into the room. Just
as Vera has told Nuttel, her aunt anticipates the return of her husband and her brothers. She
apologizes for the open window, explaining that her husband and brothers will be home soon, and
she likes for them come in through the window so that they and their wet things stay off the

In the climax, Mrs. Sappleton has "rattled
on cheerfully about the shooting and the scarcity of birds." She has also listened to the
ailments of Framton Nuttel. But, "suddenly [she] brightened into alert attention."
"Here they are at last!" she exclaims. Vera stares out the window "with dazed
horror in her eyes." Framton swings around in "a chill shock of nameless fear"
and looks in the same direction as the others. In the twilight, there are three figures walking
toward the open window. "Here we are, my dear," says the man. "...fairly muddy,
but most of it's dry. Who was that who bolted out as we came up?" [Framton has run out of
the room.]

During the Falling Action, Framton Nuttel has
fled in terror after running out of the room, because Vera's tall tale has become real for him.
The naive Mrs. Sappleton observes that he is a "most extraordinary man....One would think
he had seen a ghost." The devious Vera calmly suggests that Nuttel has a fear of the

With the Denouement, the question of why Framton
Nuttel has run off is supposedly explained by Vera. She fabricates her last story about Nuttel's
once having been hunted by "a pack of pariah dogs" on the banks of the Ganges River in
India as the cause of his fear. Indeed, "[R]omance at short notice was her specialty."
No one is the wiser about Vera.

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