Sunday 10 September 2017

Define and explain the following terms from 1984: Oceania, Airstrip One, Ingsoc, Big Brother, propaganda, Ministry of Truth, the Thought Police, and...

In s
classic novel , Oceania is the dystopian nation whereresides and is one of
the three major superstates throughout the world. Oceania is a totalitarian state and Big
Brother is the godlike figurehead. Airstrip One consists of Britain and is the third most
populous province in Oceania. London is the chief city of Airstrip One, where Winston Smith
lives and is depicted as a ruined, depressed city in need of repair. Ingsoc is an acronym for
English Socialism, which is the Partys political philosophy and ideology that suppresses
citizens' rights, manipulates the masses, and rewrites history. The three major principles of
Ingsoc are Newspeak, doublethink, and the mutability of the past.

Big Brother
is the omnipotent figurehead of the Party and fearless leader of Oceania. Big Brother's image
can be found everywhere throughout Oceania and the Party uses his image to cultivate loyalty and
fear among the masses. Throughout the story, Orwell depicts how the Party utilizes propaganda to
manipulate and control the masses. Propaganda is simply misleading information used to promote a
certain political viewpoint or policy. The Party is notorious for using propaganda to portray
Emmanuel Goldstein as a scapegoat, depict Big Brother as a fierce guardian, and create a
hystericalthroughout the city.

In the story, Winston Smith works in the
Ministry of Truth, which is one of the four major government institutions responsible for
rewriting history and producing various types of pro-government propaganda. Winston Smith's
specific job is editing and rewriting historical articles that coincide with the Party's current
political stance. Throughout the novel, Winston fears being caught by the Thought Police and
charged with thoughtcrime. The Thought Police are an enigmatic government organization of spies,
which track down political dissidents like Winston. Thoughtcrime is any politically unorthodox
thought that challenges or disagrees with Big Brothers stance in any way, shape, or form. In
Oceania, a citizen can be arrested for simply thinking negatively about the government or its


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In 1984, is Julia a spy? Please provide specific examples from the book. My teacher says that he knows of 17 pieces of evidence which proves that Julia...

There is some evidence to suggest thatwas a spy throughout 's classic novel . Julia portrays herself as a loyal admirer of Big ...