Friday, 23 June 2017

What techniques does Harper Lee use to show racism and loss of innocence in To Kill a Mockingbird?

mainly shows the horror and absurdity of racism by depicting it through the eyes of a child; in
this case, the , . Scout herself is not yet entirely prejudiced against black people, though she
does casually use the n-word, not realizing how awful a slur it is. However, she is old enough
to understand injustice when she sees it and Tom's botched trial serves as a loss of innocence
for both Scout and her brother, , who grew up believing the innocent will always be protected by
the law.

Lee also shows racism through. Racism manifests in different ways
and to different degrees in every character. Aunt Alexandra is a snob in general, which extends
to racist attitudes about black people, but she is never as outright willing to hurt anyone
based on those prejudices as the violent, lying Bob Ewell is. Most of the white children in town
are not as racist as their parents, but they parrot what they hear from their parents at home,
showing that they are...

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