Sunday 16 August 2015

Analyze Ralph's thoughts preceding and during the time he is hunted by the other boys in Lord of the Flies. How does he use both the civilized and...

Whenhears voices, including s, and realizes
that he will be hunted, he reflects that no one can break through the thicket then tests the
point of his spear to ensure that he is prepared in any case. Soon afterwards, he sees smoke and
understands that the boys have started a fire. Until this point, the civilized, analytical side
of his nature has been dominant, At this point, however. The savage takes over:

Ralph launched himself like a cat; stabbed, snarling, with the
spear, and the savage doubled up.

Ralph then attempts to
weigh his options logically but finds there is not enough time to think. He is torn between
charging ahead through the brush or climbing up a tree. At this point, he wishes , the voice of
reason and intelligence, were there to advise him.

He eventually decides that
the rational choice would be to hide, since if he is discovered, he can try breaking through the
line as a back-up plan. At this point, the rational side of his nature is in control, but as
soon as he encounters one of the savages, he once again becomes savage himself, with a scream
of fright and anger and desperation. It is in the dazed aftermath of this terror that he
encounters civilization, embodied by the naval officer.

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