The Allied
Powers during(1939€“1945) were Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and the United States. Those
three nations held a number of conferences during the conflict to coordinate their strategy
against the Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan). By May 1945, the war in Europe was over.
Therefore, Potsdamwhich took place from July 17, to August 2, 1945was the last of these
The main reason why Potsdam was the beginning of the Cold War was
Germany's complete defeat. The Anglo-American alliance with Soviet Russia was an unnatural one:
only a common hatred of Nazi Germany had kept them together. There had been a lot of hostility
and distrust between Moscow and the West before the war, and they resurfaced after Germany's
surrender. In addition, the West feared the Soviet troops might Communize the lands they
Stalin, leader of the Soviet Union, had attended all of the
previous meetings of the Big Three and he was present at Potsdam. Winston Churchill, British
prime minister, was also experienced at these conferences. Stalin and Churchill did not trust
each other. Churchill was especially suspicious of Stalin's motives and machinations in Eastern
Europe, and talks over the fate of Poland were fraught. Potsdam was the first conference for
America's new president, Harry S. Truman.
The leaders of the three nations
discussed the occupation and administration of Germany and Austria, the establishment of Polish
borders, reparations, and the unfinished war against Japan. The Potsdam Declaration, which
demanded Japanese surrender, was issued.
The Potsdam Agreement, which ended
the conference, was open to diverse interpretations. It broke down within a couple of