Well, I can't
really say what the farm looks like "as you imagine it." It sounds like your teacher
wants to know what the farm looks like to you, and not to
me. Still, there are several things I can tell you about the story that will help you
to develop your own physical description of the place. I am going to list them in no particular
order...just how I remember them.
- There is a fence around at least
part of the property...we know that because there is a gate at the entrance and because Molly is
fed over a fence. Being England, though, we can also assume that part of the farm is bordered
by hedges acting as fences. - There is a large farm house.
- Near the farm house is an open area with a flag-pole.
- There is a
barn where the animals are kept. - There is an out building where tools are
stored. - From what I remember, there is a smoke house (I believe that is
wheremakes his plans for the windmill.) - There is a hen-house.
- There is an area near the barn that was supposed to be a "retirement
pasture." - There is a hill where the windmill is built.
- Near the hill, there is (what sounds like) a small rock quarry. This is on a ledge,
because large rocks are thrown over to be broken into small rocks. - There
are large fields that are farmed for various crops. - There is a large
"rubbish heap" that I believe is always smoldering. - There is a
That's about what I can remember of the farm. There might
be a spot or two I am forgetting, but I think I've hit all the big ones. Good